Elite Planning Firm | Our Services
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No dream is too big. If you can imagine it, we can make it happen. If you want it bigger, no problem. Our job is taking your creativity and vision and transforming it into the grandest and most meaningful experience imaginable.

With The Elite Package, we are with you every step of the way. From bended knee to ‘I do’, we handle even the smallest detail, and you are there with unlimited access to us whenever you want. Leading up to the big day we cover all logistics, from the big decisions like catering and venue selection to the little ones like assembly and delivery of welcome bags.

Our oversight continues as we facilitate every aspect of the pre-ceremony and ceremony. With the Elite Package, you can rest easy and focus on you as we take care of all the behind-the-scenes coordination with vendors, hair and makeup, photographer, and the countless other parts that add up to an unforgettable wedding celebration.

With our Elite Package, you are free to truly enjoy every moment knowing everything behind the scenes is flowing smoothly.


Do you find yourself with a surplus of good ideas but not enough time to execute all of them? Wedding planner extraordinaire to the rescue!

With Planner to the Rescue, our partial planning package, you still get many of the benefits of the Elite (full planning) Package while maintaining the spark of that DIY spirit.

We connect about six months prior to the big day to discuss logistics and expectations, then reconvene with two weeks to go to confirm important information such as guest count and event timeline. With one or two days left we will rehearse and refresh everyone on their role, keeping transitions seamless and the attention on you.

For the pre-ceremony and ceremony, our responsibilities include behind-the-scenes coordination of all vendors and participants, as well as managing guests to ensure the ceremony starts on time. We know that weddings are dynamic, so just like with the Elite Package, we resolve any last minute emergency issues before the ceremony.


It’s your wedding and you’ve designed, created and put together what is sure to be a day to remember. But you could still use a little help making sure it all runs smoothly.

Our Wedding Day Bliss Package is perfect for those that want complete control over their special day but also want a safety net in case something does not go exactly according to plan. Plus having us on-site ensures your wedding will unfold exactly as you hope, so you can relax and enjoy getting married.

We meet four weeks out to pin down logistics such as event flow and timeline, then again at T-minus two weeks to review and make sure the plan is airtight. During the pre-ceremony and ceremony we execute the strategy, making sure every small detail plays out exactly as you imagined. We also keep last minute emergencies from happening, ensuring the focus stays on you.

Ready to start planning your big day?

Let us take care of the details.